Legal Counsel
Aviation law, Turkish and European Private International law, International Investment Law, International Commercial Arbitration Law, International Civil Procedure.
English, Turkish
He has been concentrating on aviation law, Turkish and European private international law, international investment law and international commercial arbitration during most of his career.
- “Advocacy and its Practices in Some European Countries (Group Research)”, Journal of Bar Association of Ankara, Y.1996, N.4, pp.592-612.
- “Materials in International Commercial Arbitration (Co-writer)”, Ankara 2002.
- “Nationality of Aircraft”, Ankara 2003.
- “Analysis of a Decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (Commission v. United Kingdom, 05.11.2002, C.466/98)”, Bulletin of the European Union Research Centre of the Ankara University, Y.2003, N.3, pp.13-15.
- “Deportation under Turkish Law and an Overview of the Judgement rendered by the European Court of Human Rights Regarding Applications Against Turkey Concerning the Deportation Decisions”, Ankara Barosu Dergisi (Journal of Bar Association of Ankara), Summer 2009, Year 67, N.3, pp.29-45.
- “Same Sex Relations and the Relevant Regulations in the Conflict of Laws”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Law), 2009, Vol. 58, N.4, pp.825-879.
- “A Concise Analysis on the 2007 Turkish Code on Private International Law I”, Kastamonu Barosu Dergisi (Journal of Bar Association of Kastamonu), April 2010, 9-14.
- The Applicable Law Determined According to Turkish Conflict of Laws Applied to the International Insurance Contracts within the Ambit of Loss Insurance”, Journal of the Research Institute of Banking and Commercial Law (BATIDER), September 2010, Vol. 26, N.3, pp.41-66
- ”El Reconocimiento de Las Relaciones Entre Personas del Mismo Sexo en Paises Que Carecen de Regulacion Sustantivaen la Materia: El Caso de Turquia”, Anuario Espanol de Derecho Internacional Privado, 2011, Tomo XI, s. 801-810.+ (Written in English translated to Spanish)
- “The Problem of Substantive Law Linkage and Legal Interest of the Party in Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Decisions: Selin Aslı Öztürk v. Turkey case of ECtHR, In honour of Prof.Dr.Tuğrul ARAT, Ankara 2012, p.1013-1023.
11.“Translation of and Comments on the ECJ Preliminary Ruling Case Sturgeons v. Condor Flugdienst GMBH (c402/07) and Böck-Lepuschitz v. Air France SA (c-432/07) Regarding Interpretation of Articles 2(l), 5, 6, and 7 of Regulation (EC) no.261/2004”, Journal of International Trade and Arbitration Law, 2014, Vol.3, Issue.2, p.189-209.
- “Judicial Precedent Regarding the Application of Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine in the International Aviation Litigations PIPER AIRCRAFT CO. V. REYNO Case”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Law), 2014, Vol. 63, N.1, p.199-217.
13.”Application of the Principle Regarding the Determination of the Liability of the Carrier Exclusively in accordance with the Conditions and Limits Set Out in the Montreal Convention in case of the Violation by the Carrier of the Human Rights of the Handicapped Passenger”, Translation of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of the UK, Stott v.Thomas Cook Tour Operators Limited, 5 March 2014, Journal of International Trade and Arbitration Law, 2015, Vol.4, Issue.1, p.263-284.
- The Law Applicable to Culpa in Contrahendo Responsibility in Private International Law, Ankara 2016.
15.Air Law, Co-Writer, Eskişehir 2016.
- The Legal Framework for Global Alliances, Foreign Investment Law Symposium, Kadir Has University Faculty of Law 14-15 April 2015, Editors: Doç. Dr.Ceyda SÜRAL, Ar.Gör.Dr.Ekin ÖMEROĞLU, Ankara 2016, s.65-74.
- EU Succession Regulation, European Private International Law, Eds: Işıl ÖZKAN, Ceyda SÜRAL, Uğur TÜTÜNCÜBAŞI, Ankara 2016, p.455-511
18.”New European Certificate of Succession Which Was Introduced by the EU Succesion Regulation (EU 650/2012)and its Impacts to Non Member Countries to EU”, Symposium on Current Developments in Private International Law, University of Anadolu Faculty of Law, 21-22April 2016 Eskişehir, Eds: Prof.Dr.Bilgin TİRYAKİOĞLU, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mesut AYGÜN, Ar.Gör. Ali ÖNAL, Ar.Gör. Ayşe Kübra ALTIPARMAK, Ar. Gör. Cansu KAYA, Ankara 2016, s.559-573
- “Do the Currrent Developments in Aviation Provide Necessity to Amend the Chicago Convention”, Air Law Symposium, University of Hacettepe Faculty of Law 15 December 2016, Eds: Prof.Dr. Hasan Tahsin FENDOĞLU, Doç. Dr.Banu ŞİT KÖŞGEROĞLU, Ankara 2017, p.63-71
- “The Effects of Article 83 BIS of the Chicago Convention to International and Turkish Aviation Law”, Co-Writer, Inönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Inönü University Faculty of Law), 2017, Vol. 8, N.1, p.287-317.
- “Precedents Regarding the Art.49 of Turkish Code of PIL that Prescribed the Foreign State Immunity”, The Tenth Anniversary of Turkish Code of Private International and Procedural Law, University of Çankaya Faculty of Law 7-8 December 2017, Eds: Prof. Dr. Bilge TANRIBİLİR, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Gülce GÜMÜŞLÜ TUNÇAĞIL Ankara 2018, p.444-456.
22.”Exceptional Naturalization in Turkish Citizenship Act”, Symposium on the Nationality Laws of Turkey and Northern Cyprus, University of East Mediterranean Faculty of Law-Magosa, 23 December 2016, Eds. Arzu ALIBABA, Ulvi Nail GÜN Magosa Cyprus 2018, p.78-83.
23.”Private Law Transactions Regarding to the Aircraft and its Impact on its Registration” “with Dr.Gülce Gümüşlü TUNÇAĞIL Symposium on Current Developments in Civil Aviation, University of MeF, Faculty of Law-Istanbul, 22 February 2018, Eds. Havva KARAGÖZ, Kazım Sedat SİRMEN, Bilge ERSON ASAR, Istanbul 2019, p. 185-210.